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Your information

papers and medical equipment

Last Updated on 6 August 2024

Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust collects and shares information relating to you and your child.

What happens to the information that you give us about you and your child?

Wherever possible we remove personal details to make it anonymous.

Information may then be shared with other people within the departments of health, social services and the education services.

Everyone working for the NHS and receiving information from the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about patients confidential.

How we know it is you - your child's NHS Number

Every person (you and your child) has a unique reference number – your NHS Number. The number looks like this: 0912458766.

Your NHS Number is unique to you. Using it to identify you correctly is an important step towards improving the safety of your healthcare.

If you know your NHS Number, or have it on a document or letter, you can help healthcare staff find your records more easily and share them safely with other people who are caring for you.

If you are unsure of your NHS number just ask a member of staff.

Why we collect and share information
We have a duty to share information in certain circumstances:

For you

  • it may be needed if we see your child again
  • to assist other services in providing the best ongoing care for you and your child
  • to review and audit the care we provide to make sure it is of the highest standard
  • to investigate any complaints or legal cases
  • to enable us to remind you of appointments (mobile phone texting)

For the community

  • to plan what health care services are needed in your area and nationally
  • to ensure we obtain the correct levels of funding
  • so we can monitor how well the NHS copes with health care needs
  • we have a statutory duty to let Public Health England know about certain infectious diseases

For future patients

  • to train and educate staff (patients can choose whether or not to be involved personally)
  • to conduct research – this has to be approved by a local research ethics committee (if anything to do with the research involves you or your child personally you will be contacted to see if you are willing to take part)
  • to see if we are meeting our targets on the standards of care provided
  • some information is held centrally by the Department of Health
Do you give my information to my relatives?
We do not give information to your friends or relatives without your permission.
What are my rights?
You have the right to object to the sharing or use of confidential information recorded about you or your child. Further information on how to do this is provided below.
Can I see the information held about me and my child?
Yes you may have a right of access to your child’s health record.

Please visit the medical records request webpage which gives you guidance on how to request the information you need.


Please do not send any personal information via email.

Call 0114 305 58103 for further guidance and support.

Use of cameras and video equipment for recording, including consultations, and/or images within the Trust
The Trust requests that patients’ privacy is respected and reminds patients and visitors that the use of devices to capture pictures and/or video of other individuals is not permitted without their consent whilst on Trust premises.

Video or recordings – including consultations e.g. discussions with your doctor – may only be conducted after discussion and agreement with the relevant individuals concerned/involved in the consultation.

General Data Protection Regulation requests

The General Data Protection Regulation (formerly the Data Protection Act 1998) came into force on 25 May 2018.

Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust has a process in place to enable the public to find information about how the Trust manages your information and how to exercise your rights under the regulation.

The Trust has a Data Protection Officer who will manage your request/enquiry.

  1. email your request/enquiry to
  2. write to the Data Protection Officer (Mark Talbot), IM&T Department, Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TH

All requests will be responded to within 30 working days.

Further information

If at any time you would like to know more about how we use information or make an objection please speak to the person in charge of your child’s care or write to the hospital.

Further information on your legal rights can be obtained from

Patient Advice and Liaison (PALS)


The Office of the Information Commissioner (Data Protection)
Helpline: 0303 123 1113

Specific national advice can be obtained from the Department of Health
Telephone: 020 7210 4850
Minicom: 020 7210 5025
Make an enquiry

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