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Speech and Language Therapy Service

child looking up at adult pointing at book together

Who we are  

Our team is made up of clerical support staff, Speech and Language Therapy Assistants and Speech and Language Therapists.   

Who we see  

We work with children with speech, language, and communication needs, and/or eating, drinking, or swallowing difficulties, from 0 years to their 16th birthday.   

We do not provide professional support for specific learning disabilities (e.g. dyslexia). Please contact your SENDCO if you are concerned in this area of the child’s development. 

We are also commissioned to provide a speech and language therapy service to adults who stammer.

Where we work 

Children will be seen in a setting that suits their needs best. This may include at home, in a community clinic, acute hospital site or education setting. We have several clinics across the city (see Reaching Us). 

What to expect 

Speech and Language Therapy work in episodes of care. This supports us to see the right child at the right time with the right care. An episode of care with a Speech and Language Therapist/Assistant may include: 

  • an assessment of the child’s speech, language, and communication needs, and/or eating, drinking, and swallowing difficulties.  
  • helping adults to understand the child’s needs and support them to communicate and/or eat, drink or swallow safely. 
  • mentoring adults on strategies and therapeutic interventions that will help the child reach their potential both educationally and socially. 
  • signposting to relevant advice, training, and resources. 
  • making referrals to other services if needed. 

We will decide which team in the service is best placed to support your child. We will explain how to come back for more Speech and Language Therapy in the future if more help is needed. We will then end the episode of care and would need a re-referral to see them again. This system allows us to provide support for children and young people when they need it the most. 

Would you like to join us? 

Are you considering a career in Speech and Language Therapy? 

Do you want to learn what Speech and Language Therapists do and where they work? 

Book a place on one of our workshops and find out whether it’s the perfect career for you! 

For more information on being a Speech and Language Therapist, visit the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) website. 

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