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School Teaching Team

teacher and patient

Welcome to the School Teaching Team, a Sheffield City Council service based in the hospital.

We are a team of fully qualified professionals who provide educational support to school aged children who have been in hospital for more than three days.

How we support you and your child

The School Teaching Team will, in consultation with parents or carers:

  • make sure your child receives regular teaching either at the bedside or in a designated classroom
  • liaise with your child’s school in all educational matters
  • ensure that work follows schemes of work and individual planning from your child’s school
  • prepare an individual education plan (IEP) for long-term pupils which is informed by information from school and relevant assessments
  • send a report to your child’s school following discharge after a longer spell of hospitalisation (usually two weeks or more of regular teaching or more than 10 teaching sessions during an admission period)
  • provide advice, assistance and support in reintegrating your child back into his/her regular school
  • represent your child’s educational welfare in any issues or situations arising from his/her period of illness or hospitalisation

What happens when your child is admitted to hospital

If this is your child’s first stay with us we will visit you on the third day of his/her admission to discuss and formulate an appropriate educational plan for them.

If your child has stayed with us before or if they are in Year 10 or 11 we will aim to visit on the first day of admission to make appropriate arrangements for commencement of teaching.

When it is judged appropriate for regular teaching to begin we will aim to offer your child at least one teaching session per day. Depending on your circumstances more sessions may be offered and lengths of sessions may vary.

Returning to school

When your child is ready to be discharged we will talk to clinical staff to find out when he/she is likely to return to school. Some children return to school straight away while others require more time before going back. We will contact your child’s school to let them know when to expect a return.

If your child will continue to be absent from his/her usual school for more than three weeks it is usual to arrange home tuition. If your child is resident in Sheffield we will contact you directly to arrange this. If your child is not resident in Sheffield we will contact his/her school to advise and assist them in requesting home tuition from your Local Education Authority.

All completed work will be collated and either passed to you on discharge to take to school, or posted directly to school as appropriate. If your child has received a substantial amount of teaching or has had a long term stay in hospital, we will send a report and assessment levels to his/her school.

Contact us

We can often be found around the hospital wards so please feel free to come to us with any enquiries you may have. You can also ask the ward staff to contact us on your behalf and we will do our best to see you the same day during working hours.


Becton, Hospital and Outreach Team
Room D29
Floor D Pathology Labs
Sheffield Children’s Hospital
S10 2TH


General enquiries all wards: 0114 271 7191
General Office (tel/fax): 0114 271 7146
M3 classroom / enquiries about M3 pupils: 0114 2717151


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