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Waiting Times

Please bear with us while you are waiting for confirmation of your appointment or operation. We’re doing all we can to ensure children and young people get the help they need as quickly as possible.

We’re seeing patients based on the priority of their needs. If you have not heard from us already, we will be in touch to offer advice and support while you wait for a date to come in.

However, if you are concerned about your child’s health, please don’t hesitate to contact your care team directly. If your child is not yet a patient at Sheffield Children’s, please speak to your GP or referring service.

We have also put together advice on what to do while you are waiting for your appointment. Please take a look at them in our resource library.

While you wait for your treatment While you wait for your surgery

How we are reducing waiting times

We’re working hard to reduce waiting times for you in a number of ways:

  • Running extra theatres and clinics
  • Maximising the use of theatres
  • Providing extra support for children with the greatest needs and
  • Freeing up space within clinics to offer more appointments

Waiting times 


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